Friday, March 12, 2010




目前服务于美国、加拿大的廉价航空大约有10多家,各有不同的服务区域和专攻方向,客人可以按照自己的地域需求来进行选择,由于主要的订票网站 Expedia等并不与这些廉价航空拥有代理关系,所以习惯了Expedia的客人往往并不知道这些廉价航空的存在。万维记者现对这些廉价航空企业做一个简单介绍,与热爱旅游的众网友共同分享:


Jetblue(一家以纽约JFK机场为基地的廉价航空公司,飞行的目的地往往是大城市的二级机场,如洛杉矶的Long Beach机场,旧金山的Oakland机场。目前正在庆祝10年生日,单程机票价格曾低至10元。

Frontier Airline(是一家总部设立在丹佛的航空公司,目的地包括了美国主要城市,主要服务美国西部,兼而服务墨西哥度假地。

Spirit Airlines(飞行基地在佛罗里达的劳德戴尔堡和底特律的航空公司。

Sun Country Airlines(飞行基地在明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市机场的航空公司,飞行目的地遍布全国主要城市

Vegin America(著名的维珍航空,主要经营以旧金山为基地的美国西海岸航线如拉斯维加斯、西雅图、洛杉矶等,也有横跨美洲大陆到纽约、波士顿、和佛罗里达的航线。

Westjet(以加拿大为基地,主要经营加拿大境内以及美加之间航线的航空公司,价格比加拿大航空Air Canada相对便宜。


Allegiant Air(似乎是联合航空的专门搞特价的子公司,主要经营渡假航空,机场一般锁定中小城市机场以降低费用,笔者 18.88从湾区奥克兰机场回温哥华就是乘座的这家航空公司的飞机。主要目标城市为拉斯维加斯、凤凰城、奥兰多、圣彼得堡等。

Go Air(一家经营夏威夷群岛之间的廉价航空公司。


Vision Holiday(经营拉斯维加斯及附近大峡谷的空中游业务。


Thursday, March 11, 2010

10 Travel/Technology Obsessions


Monday, March 8, 2010, 3:26 pm in Technology, Travel by Baochi  2

Recently, I asked several Boingo folks to each share one travel or technology obsession of the moment. Unsurprisingly, my colleagues had trouble picking just one. (I knew I was dealing with a bunch of geeks and dreamers.) In any case, I narrowed down the list to ten items, below. What is your current travel/technology obsession (and yes, it’s okay if you have more than one ;) )?

  1. The Apple iPad: “I’m excited that it will be the first e-reader in color.” Tim Fox, director of billing and reporting.
  2. Animoto:  “Animoto takes your photos and video and turns them into these amazing little movies that will make your friends believe you’re a budding Spielberg.  Free.” Dawn Callahan, vice president of marketing.
  3. Internet Radio App for Nokia Smartphones: “This is an all time killer app for me.  Clear digital stereo streaming of 100+ radio stations from across the globe. Works on wi-fi as well as 3G networks.” Kishore Raja, senior device engineer.
  4. SonyPlaystation 3: “Blu-ray, games, 3D Movies coming this summer, Wi-Fi, and Netflix streaming — what more do you need?”  Sush Wu, software test engineer.
  5. CNN App for Blackberry: This is my real-time “newspaper” fix during my bus commute to and from work.” Charmagne Drew, office manager.
  6. “This service provides over 50,000 audio programs (e.g., books, magazines, newspapers). It’s great for when you’re stuck on a cross-country flight and want to  pass the time with entertaining/educational audio books…learn on the go!” Eric Blue, director of systems applications.
  7. The Targus airplane laptop battery charger/adapter: “It converts a boring twelve-hour flight into a super-efficient time for getting through emails.” Luis Serrano, vice president of network strategy
  8. Belize Cayes: “I’ve been to these tropical islands twice and never was there a boring moment. The snorkeling and marine life are ten times better than Hawaii’s or Cancun’s.” Marco Lopez, network operations analyst.
  9. Excalibur Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas: “When I go to Vegas, I always stay at Excalibur because of its location on the strip, the weekend rate deals, and the kid-friendly activities. I’ve also had some exciting times at the craps table there!” Cynthia Tarver, customer support representative.
  10. Boracay Island in the Philippines: “This captivating island (located south of Manila) offers fine  white sand, clear water, delectable food, and hospitable people.” Rammel Salazar, finance analyst.

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010







    中央大厅右侧有水族馆,养着龟、鲟鱼、鲷鱼等。左侧放着长沙发,其周边栽植了铁树、白松等树,增添了大厅的趣味。一楼设有游水池、按摩室、可洗桑拿浴的保健中心、保龄场、台球场、卡拉OK室、理发室、美容室等。 二楼设有可容600人的宴会厅、会餐室和4个餐厅分别做朝鲜菜、中国菜、西洋菜等。还有会议厅、会谈室、同声传译圆形会议厅,还有国际通信站,办理国际邮电业务和电子邮件。还有茶室、商店、货币兑换处、书店、照相馆等。









    5.服务人员好像都是金日成大学毕业生,服务和歌舞表演艺术很好,估计都是文工团的,那地方,都是挑选了的人长的漂亮,清纯,谈话中不知道互连网, 还不许用手机。



    西山饭店、两江饭店、青年饭店是一级饭店,相当于中国三星级水准,均位于平壤体育村-青春大街附近,是中国游客经常下榻的酒店。朝鲜旅游期间客人一般在酒店用早餐,有自助餐或者桌餐,从第二天开始在酒店外用正餐,品尝朝鲜的风味有:平壤清流餐厅火锅、平壤烤鸭、开城统一馆铜碗套餐,饭菜基本按照中国人口味料理,不会有朝鲜菜的生、冷 、辣、凉特色。团队餐一般有免费定量的酒水助兴。吃饱没问题,略显丰盛。服务小姐身着朝鲜民族服装,服务热情周到,精彩的歌舞表演令您流连忘返,给您的朝鲜旅游增添乐趣。


    ★ 羊角岛国际饭店(特级)

    ★ 平壤高丽饭店(特级)

    ★ 普通江饭店(一级)

    ★ 两江饭店(一级)

    ★ 青年饭店(一级)

    ★ 西山饭店(一级)

    ★ 苍光山饭店(二级)

    ★ 大同江饭店(二级)

    ★ 平壤饭店(二级)

    Tuesday, March 9, 2010

    Top 10 Worst Travel Scams

    By Paul Eisenberg -

    They may sound kind of weak, but they work.


    There are many honest taxi drivers left in this world.

    This story is not about them.

    Every traveler, it would seem, has a tale about a cabbie who has gotten “lost” or “misunderstood” directions or “forgot” to put on the meter, forcing the rider to negotiate a fare that ends up being higher than it ought to be. Perhaps you know all these tricks, but even the oldest of scams can have a twist.

    “I've been caught out by a very elaborate version of the taxi scam twice,” says traveler Brian Ghidinelli,

    “once in India where they used a hacked meter so the rate was about ten times what it should have been.” The second scam took place when Ghidinelli and his wife were cabbing it in San Jose, Costa Rica, “where not only was the meter rigged but [the driver] had a matching laminated - and very official looking - price grid that matched the metered price. It's hard to argue with that.” Consequently, a two-dollar cab ride ended up costing the Ghidinellis twenty bucks.

    “The most important trick I've learned, says Ghidinelli, “is to get several taxi drivers and ask them all how much it's going to be and turn them against each other to get a lower, more realistic price.”

    Some scams are more “behind the scenes,” says Robert Reid, U.S. travel editor for Lonely Planet. One such ploy, he says, is when your driver says that “your hotel 'burned down in a fire' or a requested restaurant is 'closed' and leads you to his cronies, where he gets a big kick-back for delivering you.” The drivers of tuk tuks, the three-wheeled rickshaws in Bangkok, “are notorious for this,” Reid adds. “You ask to go to the Golden Temple, and suddenly you're on a whirlwind tour of lesser temples and souvenir shops you don't want to see and where the driver gets a commission even if you don't buy a thing.”

    Consider these other scams, some new, some so old that they are in fact, new again.

    The flat tire scam

    Not all moving vehicle scams involve taxi drivers, suggests Robert Siciliano, head of “My wife was traveling in Spain and stopped at a red light,” he recounts. “Someone knocked on her passenger window and kept pointing towards [the car] and saying ‘tire flat, tire flat.’ She got out of the car to look and they opened up the passenger door and took her purse off the seat.”

    The Trojan Horse scam

    Tour guide Ann Lombardi of the Trip Chicks says she “recently watched a schemer in action in Frankfurt Germany train station” perform the classic hollow suitcase with rollers and frame trick, which Lombardi says works thusly: “A distracted tourist takes his eyes off his bag for a second. Behind the tourist lurks a guy with an enormous suitcase. In a flash, the thief lifts the enormous hollow luggage, puts it over the tourist's bag, and calmly wheels away with his prized catch.” Avoid such schemers by always protecting your luggage between your legs while in crowded transportation areas, she says.

    The basksheesh scam

    While in Egypt, longtime flight attendant Betty Thesky, author and podcast host of Betty in the Sky with a Suitcase, recalls that it was hard to look away when “a local man started yelling ‘Madam madam madam!’ and, when he had my attention, he pointed at a sculpture. I have eyes; I could see the sculpture, but because he pointed to it, he now considered himself my personal tour guide, and he wanted money. He followed me around saying, ‘Baksheesh, baksheesh, baksheesh!’ which means tip. The goal seemed to be to irritate me enough so that I would give him money just to make him stop,” Thesky says, which she did not do, though baksheesh man continued harassing her.

    The spill scam

    That ‘bird poop’ on your shoulder might very well be tube mustard that’s been squirted there by a scammer, says Lombardi, after which the scammer or an accomplice offers to “help wipe the offending matter off your clothing. Then swoosh! There go your wallet, passport, and other valuables.” Invest in a money belt, Lombardi suggests.

    The money-drop scam

    Lonely Planet’s Reid observes that “Moscow toughs still try to play the mind-numbingly obvious, though apparently still successful, money-drop trick,” performed when “a guy rushes past a foreign visitor in the Red Square area and 'accidentally' drops a wad of hundred dollar bills. Another tough guy picks it up at your feet and offers to share it with you. If you do, the original guy will track you down and demand the full amount back.”

    The skim scam

    It’s not uncommon for a dishonest merchant to “add an extra zero or two when submitting his merchant's copy of your signed credit card receipt to the card provider,” yielding an inflated charge that you’ll have to contest when you get home, says Lombardi, who recommends “writing long, dark horizontal lines before and after the charge amount on the receipt you sign overseas.”

    Private investigator Jeff Stein says to look out for skimming, which involves a small electronic “skimmer” used to swipe the magnetic strip on your credit card and steal its information. “A skimmer can hold hundreds if not thousands of card holder account numbers,” Stein says, and “it used to be common for waiters and waitresses to use them.” Once you leave the restaurant, Stein says, the scammer can “retrieve the information from the skimmer and start placing orders with your account number.”

    The ATM receipt scam

    How ATM users handle their receipts is a source of a perpetual scam, says John M. Wills, a former Chicago police officer and retired supervisory special agent for the FBI. Scammers “can spot out-of-towners [at ATMs] in a heartbeat,” Wills says, and “when they do see one, they will be on the lookout for how that ‘mark’ handles the receipt. If they leave it at the machine, or crumple it and put it in the nearby trash,” the scammers will retrieve the receipt to see how much you withdrew as well as your remaining balance. The rest, Wills says, is history. “The bad guys tail the man or woman until the opportune time presents itself to rob them of their money, force them to withdraw the balance of their account, or do both. It all works because people just aren't aware of their surroundings. It's easy money.”

    The pour scam

    Stein says he’s often hired by bar owners and hotel and casino chains to root out bartenders “who will ring you up for the premium liquor, however they will use the house brand and pour the premium liquors to a future customer and pocket the cash without ringing it up on the register,” Stein explains. “Or they’ll charge you for the premium, but pour you the house brand and pocket the difference.”

    The sob story scam

    Traveler Hali Chambers was sitting on a bench in the Seattle airport when a man approached her and asked for help.

    “He launched into a story about how he had a fight with his girlfriend and she took off without him and he had no money to take the shuttle,” Chambers recalls. “He was waving a shuttle schedule at me. I extended my hand and said, ‘Hi, I’m Hali. What’s your name?’ He said, ‘Sean.’ And then I said, ‘And your girlfriend’s name?’ He didn’t answer right away, but then said, ‘Jennifer.’ The man started in on her again with his story, at which point Chambers asked him if he was from around there. His response? “Are you going to give me the money or not?’” She didn’t.




    著名艺术家罗伯特·劳森伯格(Robert Rauschenberg,1925-2008)是美国普普文化的先驱者之一。他以抽象表现主义风格试验摄影设计与绘画,逐渐发展出个人的独特艺术风格— 融合绘画(Combine Painting)。这是一种美术拼贴技法,利用生活上的实物与新闻图片组成抽象的画板画。他在艺术表现上积极的开发创作,至今仍激励了无数的艺术家持续地在艺术道路上勇往直前。在这幅作品里,他利用感光纸、花朵、台灯等物件,描绘出了一幅凄凉的画面。

    1946年范斯沃思艺术学校的学生在户外作画时的情景。据悉,范斯沃思艺术博物馆(Farnsworth Art Museum )是美国东北部的文化胜地之一,馆内收藏有大量路易斯·内凡尔森(Louise Nevelson)、詹米·韦思(Jamie Wyeth)及其他名家的作品。

    1939年,美国画家托马斯·哈特·本顿(Thomas Hart Benton)在工作间里和他的裸体模特讨论着有关这幅作品的一些细节问题。这位裸体模特实际上是他的学生。据悉,本顿的绘画风格极大的受到了西班牙画家埃尔·格列柯(El Greco)的影响。在他的作品中常常能够发现格列柯惯用的绘画手法。

    本顿的这幅作品名为“珀尔塞福涅受辱记”(The Rape of Persephone,珀尔塞福涅是古希腊神话中宙斯和墨忒尔的女儿,为冥府女王)。在上个世纪30年代末期,本顿还曾出版了一部自传,并且获得了诺贝尔文学奖得主、美国作家辛克莱·刘易斯(Sinclair Lewis)的称赞。

    1948年史考西根艺术学校的学生正在进行裸体素描。英国浪漫主义诗人威廉·布莱克(William Blake, 1757-1827)曾这么写道:“艺术脱离了裸体的美丽就不复存在。”

    导演让·尼古拉斯科(Jean Negulesco,1900-1993) 在工作间为一名裸体模特描绘肖像。尼古拉斯科在美国好莱坞名气响亮,曾拍摄出《银海香魂》及《如何嫁给百万富翁》等大量广受好评的影片。但他曾表示,绘画才是他的最爱。

    摩西·所伊尔(Moses Soyer,1899-1974)在自己的工作间创作肖像画。所伊尔出生在俄罗斯,是一位现实主义画家,试图通过绘画作品来展现社会矛盾。

    艺术家大卫·弗赖登塔尔(David Fredenthal,1914-1958)正在作画。他创作的作品经常出现在《生活》杂志中,主要包括他在二战期间所创作的极富感染力的绘画作品。

    德国超现实主义画家费比乌斯·冯·古格尔(Fabius von Gugel,1910-2000)在户外创作裸体素描。

    裸体模特多丽丝·费希尔(Doris Fischer)在工作间隙躺在一旁抽烟。这张照片拍摄于1946年。


    雕塑家哈伊姆·格罗斯(Chaim Gross,1904-1991)在工作间创作作品。格罗斯出生在澳大利亚,于1921年搬到美国居住,并且随后成为美国国内最伟大的雕塑家之一。




    1958年,一位画家正在创作电影《风流女伯爵》 (The Naked Maja)的宣传画。


    1940年,一名裸体模特正在为艺术家弗莱切·马丁(Fletcher Martin)摆姿势。马丁在成为艺术家之前,实际上是一名职业拳击手,但是在二战的时候成为了《生活》杂志的战地记者。

    意大利绘画大师契里柯(Giorgio de Chirico,1888-1978)的裸体自画像。评论家罗伯·特休斯(Robert Hughes)曾这么评论契里柯的这幅作品:“画中的契里柯是一位诗人,还是一位十分了不起的诗人。”